Sensitive Data Management
Are you working with environmental, commercial, health, personal, or other sensitive data? Are you unsure whether your data is sensitive and unclear on your responsibilities for managing it?
In this workshop, we will discuss the foundations of working with sensitive data including how to protect your data, your research participants, and yourself. We’ll take about how and when to de-identify sensitive data, and how to share sensitive data.
Presentation by Isaac Pratt, Research Data Management Specialist. Book an appointment with Isaac or another member of the Sherman Centre Team.
Workshop recording
View the original here.
Workshop slides
Resources referenced during the presentation:
Requirements for sensitive data management
- Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2018)
- TCPS 2: CORE-2022 Course on Research Ethics
- McMaster Privacy Office
- EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) 2004
- Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy
- NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy
- CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Management
- The First Nations Principles of OCAP
- Amnesia
- sdcMicro
- Portage Network’s Reducing Risk Webinar and slides
- A Visual Guide to Practical Data De-identification
Other helpful resources
- DMP Assistant
- Portage’s Research Data Management Language for Informed Consent
- MILO Sample data sharing/transfer agreements
- McMaster Dataverse
- Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR)
Previous session recordings
View recordings of earlier sessions of this workshop: