Building a Data Management Plan for your research project.
Planning ahead for research helps you prepare for data questions and problems before they happen. Submitting a Data Management Plan (DMP) is increasingly a requirement for funding applications with Tri-Agencies and the NIH. But DMPs can also be very helpful “living documents”: research tools that identify strengths and gaps which are updated through your research process. In this session, we’ll start with best practices of data management planning and go through a demo of DMP Assistant, a web-based tool for developing and collaborating on Data Management Plans in the Canadian research context.
Presentation by Danica Evering and Emilie Altman, Research Data Management Specialists. Book an appointment with Danica, Emilie, or another member of the Sherman Centre Team.
Workshop recording
View the original here.
Workshop slides
Resources referenced during the presentation:
- DMP Assistant
- Data Management Plan Database
- Digital Research Alliance of Canada DMP Exemplars and Templates
- McMaster RDM Website
File formats:
- DataverseNO Prepare your data: Preferred file formats
- DCN Data Curation Primers on different file formats
- McMaster RDM webpage on file naming and organization
Documentation & Metadata
- McMaster README template
- McMaster guidance on file folder organization and documentation
- Portage Dataverse North Metadata Best Practices Guide v 2.0
- DCC list of disciplinary metadata standards
Storage & backup
- McMaster Research Data Storage Finder
- See our Strategies for research data storage and backup webinar for more.
- Portage Network Portage Repository Options Guide
- DataCite Repository Finder tool
- McMaster Dataverse
- Data Repository Guidance from Nature Scientific Data
Sharing & Re-use
- Portage Network De-Identification Guidance Document
- DCC How to License Research Data
Responsibilities & resources
- UK Data Service Costing tool and checklist
- University of Utrect Costs of data management estimator
- DataOne Best Practice: Define roles and assign responsibilities for RDM
Ethics & Legal Compliance
- First Nations OCAP Principles
- CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance
- Portage Sensitive Data Toolkit
- McMaster Library ‘Secure’ RDM page
Previous session recordings
View recordings of earlier sessions of this workshop: