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Event Schedule

Cluster I: Data  

“Navigating the Meanders of Digital Politics in the Name of Science: The Example of Online Petitions to the UK’s Parliament” - Geraldine Castel, Associate Professor of Language and Culture, UGA

“GIS Applications in Greek Archaeology: Measuring the Land at Metaponto” - Spencer Pope, Associate Professor of Classics, McMaster

“Critical Methodological Approaches for Digital Humanities Scholarship: A Reflection” - Andrea Zeffiro, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies and Multimedia, McMaster

Cluster II: Social Media  

“Micro-blogging about Melanoma on Instagram: Info-communicational Competences and the Professionalised Show-casing of Cancer”  - Chloe Salles, Associate Professor of Information and Communication Science, UGA

“Humanitarian” Communication on Social Network sites: Construction of a (post) Colonial Imaginary Narrative from a Gender Perspective” - Cristina Garcia Martinez, PhD Student in Hispanic Studies and Gender Studies, UGA 

“Detecting, Characterising and Monitoring the Emergence of Proto-Communities in Online News Analysis” - Jean-Marc Francony, Associate Professor of Communication Sciences, UGA

Cluster III: Teaching and Pedagogy 

“Data Management and Digital Humanities Research and Education: The Case of Education Technology” - Aude Inaudi, Associate Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, UGA

“Using Digital Tools to Sharpen Critical Analysis and Communication Skills in the History Classroom” - Karen Balcom, Associate Professor of History, McMaster

“¯_(ツ)_/¯”: Zooming Pedagogies and Queering Academia - Alexis-Carlota Cochrane, PhD Student in Communication Studies and Media Arts, McMaster, and Theresa Kenney, PhD Candidate in English and Cultural Studies, McMaster